English in the World Week, édition 2024!

Welcome to EWW!

Every two years, English takes center stage across the entire school. To be or not to be? There is no question! In the last week of November 2024, Ecole Aujourd’hui was truly “The place to be.”

Where else but at 24 boulevard Edgar Quinet can you enjoy an authentic English breakfast, celebrate Thanksgiving, admire the inspiring work of Frederick Douglass, travel to Canada after exploring Scotland, and discover Malaysian culture or life in Hong Kong?

At 24 boulevard Edgar Quinet, you can also experience South Africa’s Rainbow Nation or Holi, the famous Indian festival. Where else can you dream of surfing, play cricket, join an Electric Slide Dance, and perform Double Dutch jump rope.

And let’s not forget the fabulous museum, where children proudly display their toys, books and souvenirs from English speaking nations. 

A warm thank you goes to all the parents and students who participated in the 2024 edition of this special event.

Merci à tous les parents volontaires cette année. Vous vous êtes surpassés! Sylvie et Lev ont pris en charge la cérémonie d’ouverture. And then… Aimee taught the double, Yuki explained playground games, Barbra demonstrated the electric slide, Elsa spoke about Malaysian culture, Emily explained US geography, Fatimata et Philippe talked about Canada, Irène showed us the Ostrich egg from South Africa, Jay taught the GS how to surf, Johana and Sarah talked and read about Thanksgiving, Manon prepared an English breakfast, Natalie talked about the diversity of US music, Priya explained Holi, Ross and Antoine demonstrated cricket, Vitoria shared pumpkin pies. And there were so many contributions to the Pop Up Museum in the atelier.