Key Information
- 9:00am – 4:00pm – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
- 9:00am – 12:00pm – Every other Wednesday (1st – 5th grades)
The school opens its doors at 8:30am. Students must arrive before 8:55am.
Due to COVID-19 sanitary restrictions, parents are not allowed on school premises.
The after-school care program starts at 4 pm.
For the academic calendar please refer to the French Ministry of Education zone C
The school sends a letter to families in July indicating:
- Vacactions and holidays
- Important meetings
- Special events
- Pool schedule
Les horaires de la garderie sont les suivants :
4:00pm – 5:45pm – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There is no after-school care on Wednesday.
The after-school care program is organized and run by the parents association (association des parents d’élèves)
All students eat lunch at school. They bring a packed lunch.
Lunch is eaten in the classrooms under the responsibility of teachers and/or lunchtime supervisors.
One time registration fee
- 150,00€ per child
Annual school fees per family :
- 4 650 € for one child
- 8 450,50 € for two children
- 10 680 € for three children
This fee includes:
- tuition
- English tuition
- field trips
- extracurricular activities
- swimming
- text books and school tools
- lunchtime supervision
- insurance
Additional school costs:
- Obligatory annual membership of the parents association (58,00€ per family)
- Residential field trips (every other year)
- The 5th grade trip to The United States of America.
School for Today is located 24 Boulevard Edgar Quinet, 75014 Paris, France